Since September 2010, this blog has recorded the journey of this music junkie as I attempt to listen to all the music in my CD collection. CDs revisited in their entirety from start to finish - no skipping tracks, no shuffle. Compact Discs only - no vinyl, no tapes, no files.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Art Of Noise - The Ambient Collection (1990)

From Allmusic:
Art of Noise began in the mid-'80s and is now a touchstone to which all electronic music should be compared...These Art of Noise catalog remixes by Youth, bassist for Killing Joke, remain a classic of compositional ambient electronica.
And from the back album cover:

This album quickly became one of my favorite AoN releases. Back in the '90s, I purchased two other Art of Noise remix CDs: The FON Mixes (1991) and The Drum And Bass Collection (1996) and, to be honest, they didn't do much for me so those discs were quickly sold.* As the title implies, this album contains wonderfully relaxed versions of previously released AoN cuts. Not to replace any of the earlier releases, this is solid addition to their œuvre. As with most overly-repetitive ambient releases, this collection is especially suited to nighttime/naptime listening.

Press of the time:

Peak on the US Billboard 200 chart: Did not chart

Tracks: The first 12 tracks segue into each other; it's really just one long track so I don't separate them in my mind. However, if I had to choose my favorite "sections," I'd pick Crusoe, Island, and Robinson Crusoe. The final track, Art Of Love (7" Edition), isn't ambient at all but rather a remix of Moments In Love with a backbeat. I like it, but don't understand it's inclusion. It peaked at #67 on the British charts. 

Personal Memory Associated with this CD: None

Previously revisited for the blog:
The Seduction of Claude Debussy (1999)
The Best of The Art of Noise (1988)
In No Sense? Nonsense! (1987)
In Visible Silence (1986)
(Who's Afraid Of?) The Art Of Noise! (1984)

*for the record (no pun intended), I quit selling my CDs around the turn of the century so, since that time, even if I don't care for the disc, I've kept it.

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