Based on the liner notes, I'm guessing Dad visited "The Bose® Music Show" when it passed through town - most likely at Bjorn's - and received this freebie disc:
As the main goal of such discs is to sell audio equipment, it shouldn't come as a surprise that the sound quality is amazing. The selections would probably be familiar to even the most casual classical music fan as much of this music has been featured in cartoons, motion pictures, and TV commercials for decades.
Peak on the US Billboard Top 200 chart: Did not chart
No information about performances or performers included in the liner notes (maybe I could Shazam the tracks but that sounds like a lot of work). No release date included, either, but based on the website and CompuServe user ID number offered on the back cover (below), I'm going to guess late 1990's.
Personal Memory Associated with this CD: None
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