Since September 2010, this blog has recorded the journey of this music junkie as I attempt to listen to all the music in my CD collection. CDs revisited in their entirety from start to finish - no skipping tracks, no shuffle. Compact Discs only - no vinyl, no tapes, no files.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Linda Ronstadt - Cry Like a Rainstorm, Howl Like the Wind (1989)

Note: this release was originally purchased as a cassette tape, later replaced by a CD.

A few months back, I wrote that I was picking up this CD because the wife and I listened to it often when it was first released. I probably haven't heard it complete in over 25 years, so I'm looking forward to hearing it today.

Wow, what a voice! And just look at that list of songwriters: Jimmy Webb, Barry Mann, Cynthia Weil, Nick Lowe, Isaac Hayes, and so on. I'll wager the studio musicians are just as recognizable, let me grab the booklet (and magnifying glass) and check: David Hungate, Andrew Gold, Tower of Power, Marty Paich, and Brian Wilson. Yeah, I'm good with all that. I'm not a huge fan of Aaron Neville's wild vibrato, but somehow producer Peter Asher got him to tone it down a little and, to be honest, if he's good enough for Linda, I should just accept it and shut up about it.

Billboard, October 14, 1989, p. 82

I'm liking this more today than I remember liking it in 1990, likely because my appreciation for Jimmy Webb's songwriting talents have grown considerably since then.

Peak on the US Billboard Top 200 chart: #7
Peak on the Billboard Pop CD chart: #9

Tracks: Didn't remember the first track, but already had goosebumps by the end of the second. Of course, the singles are fantastic and were smash Adult Contemporary hits. It's definitely an AC album. And I had completely forgotten that Ronstadt picked not one but two tracks from Paul Carrack's Suburban Voodoo album and they're as good here as they were on Carrack's album. And with Brian Wilson's backing vocals on a Jimmy Webb tune, how could Adios possibly miss? I'd love to hear an a capella version with just Wilson and Ronstadt's voices overdubbed into a massive choir. The only track I'm tempted to skip is the cover of When Something Is Wrong With My Baby and that's just because the Sam & Dave original can't be improved upon.

For more information on the brief life of the CD longbox,
go visit The Legend of the Longbox.

Personal Memory Associated with this CD: When this album was released, my wife and I were newlywed, DINK, and would tool around Texas most weekends, visiting family members on a regular basis. And that's why this album was originally purchased on cassette - that's what could be played in the car.

Previously revisited for the blog:
Original Album Series (2012)
Required Ronstadt (1998)
'Round Midnight (1986)

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