The title track is fantastic, with stellar vocals by Lisa Layne. As for the rest...well, I'll let someone else do the heavy lifting:
This album's title track remained a holiday favorite within the country community during the '90s, even as Vince Vance struggled to establish himself as more than a one-hit novelty act. Despite the artist's struggles, his song remains a minor modern classic and received airplay year after year. Nothing else here is remotely worth bothering with. Sure, most of the other songs are similar in style to the title track, but this formulaic sense of repetition gets dull quickly. Stick with the song and forget about the full-length album, unless this is the only place you can find the song.
And there ya go.
Peak on the US Billboard Top 200 chart: Did not chart
Tracks: See above. Particularly avoid I Wanna Be A Christmas Tree.
Personal Memory Associated with this CD: None
Christmas Slow Jam