One of those albums where I wasn't in the right mind when I listened the first time so I stubbornly only listened once and mistakenly thought the thing wasn't very good. I'm such an idiot sometimes. There's some good stuff here, the only real problem is that it's all midtempo pop so the songs all run together after a while. In spite of the pop leanings, this album was nominated for the Grammy award for Best Contemporary Blues Album, losing to After The Rain by Irma Thomas. There ain't much blues here, but that don't mean I can't appreciate the songs for what they are. Think I'll add this one to a full Keb' Mo' discography shuffle this afternoon by the pool. Keb' doesn't make it down to Texas very often, but I'm keeping my eyes open. On a related note, how great would a Keb' Mo'/Bonnie Raitt double bill be?
I'm told that track 10, I See Love, is used as the theme song for the sitcom Mike & Molly. I can't confirm since I've never watched.
Peak on the US Billboard Top 200 chart: #176
Tracks: Top tracks include Your Love, Whole 'Nutha Thing, I'll Be Your Water, and the bluesy title track. The album loses steam in the middle but finishes strong. For an album I didn't like much the first time 'round, I sure can't find any tracks to skip this time.
Personal Memory Associated with this CD: Bought it used at a Half Price books, tried to listen immediately in my truck and put it on the shelf where it's rested until this morning. Like I said: I'm such an idiot.
Previously revisited for the blog:
Live And Mo' (2009)
Peace...Back by Popular Demand (2004)
Keep It Simple (2004)
Just Like You (1996)
Keb' Mo' (1994)
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